
EZ 求簽(Soothsaying)

中國算命法就是在中國五千年的歷史上經歷無數歷練而推演出來的一套極其玄妙的推理法。 在人類各種占卜方式裡,中國算命術是一種別具一格的法術,但是它的準確度卻高達95%以上,也正是因為準確性高,所以它才能一直流傳到現在。 求簽是中國一個流行的傳統文化。這100支簽文中,蘊涵著陰陽、五行等諸多易經的原理。現 …
Binary Calc

A calculator that supports arithmetic operations for numbers from base 2 to 24.Has functionality for converting numbers between different bases, and i …

"more addictive than sudoku" - www.I-hate-math.com/Equations is an educational and fun game. The objective is to build an equation that equals the pro …
Go Go Lotto

Generate lotto tickets that match your style of play. LUCKY NUMBERS are more likely to appear. CURSED NUMBERS will never appear. AUTO WHEEL your numbe …