Alamex Ltd

Alamex Ltd

想要在嘈杂的人群中引起别人注意吗?想要和正在听IPOD的人顺利沟通吗?想要玩转你的IPOD吗? IHI正是你需要的 IHI能吸引众人目光,打破一切僵局 使你向心仪的人轻松说出“嗨”,“你很迷人” 在熙熙攘攘的酒吧里,秀出“喝一杯?”或者用符号表达你的情感 “我爱你” 马路上讲出你关于他人驾驶技术的心 …

Join the party: listen to thousands of myTalkys and vote for your favourites. myTalky lets anyone record a message of up to 140 seconds and share it w …

Natter is a free social networking app that uses just three words.Some great examples: "I feel great" "Loving my life" or maybe sometimes "Need a frie …